Open day of the economy
in Emsdetten

Picture of the markilux building with logo from the Machertag 2024 in Emsdetten

Your markilux takes part in the Machertag 2024

On Saturday, 21 September, the Open Business Day will take place in Emsdetten. From 12-6 pm, 30 local companies will open their doors. Visitors will gain exciting insights behind the scenes of Emsdetten companies. Your markilux is also taking part in the event and cordially invites all interested parties to get to know the company better.

  • When? Saturday, 21 September from 12-18 hrs.
  • Where? At the markilux headquarters at HansestraĂźe 53, 48282 Emsdetten
  • Who? Everyone is welcome, no registration required.
  • What: Tours of the showroom and awning factory / Co-operation with TV Emsdetten: Throwing machine incl. competition / Pizza trolley / Drinks stand

What can I expect
from markilux?

Your markilux company

markilux is a nationally and internationally active German company with around 400 employees. We specialise in the manufacture of customised designer awnings for discerning customers. Your markilux brand is one of the leading companies in the sun protection industry in Germany. We have been manufacturing awnings in Emsdetten for over 50 years.

Have you always wanted to see how an awning is made?

Then take the opportunity to look behind the scenes at Your markilux on 21 September. During a tour of the company, you can not only experience the awnings live in the showroom, but also see how our awnings are manufactured as part of a factory tour.

Cooperation with TV Emsdetten

Together with TV Emsdetten, we have organised a competition. Try your luck at the throwing machine and, with a bit of luck, win a prize.

Food & drinks

A pizza trolley and a drinks stand offer a little refreshment in between.

General information
about the maker day

"Emsdetten opens up"
is the motto of this year's Open Business Day. As the event is intended to have an open character, it is not necessary to register in advance. Simply come along when it suits you. This gives you flexibility and allows you to spontaneously decide when you want to visit which company on the day.

Bus shuttle

All participating companies are connected by a shuttle bus service. Visitors can use the stops set up for the day in front of the participating companies. Neighbouring companies may be approached together.

The bus will run a circular route in Emsdetten from 12.00 to 18.30 so that all passengers always arrive back at their starting point (waiting times of max. 15 minutes).

In addition to the car parks in the city centre, two parking areas will be signposted as P&R areas (egeplast and parking pallet at the railway station), where parking is free of charge and which are also linked to the bus tour.

The programme flyer will include a local map with the locations of the participating companies, bus stops, parking spaces and any other important information.

The timetable will be published here.

about the Machertag 2024

The Open Business Day will take place on 21 September 2024. Participating companies can be visited between 12 noon and 6 pm.

You can look forward to exciting glimpses behind the scenes. A factory tour will give you an insight into awning production and you can experience the various models live in the showroom. We have organised a competition in cooperation with TV Emsdetten. Try your hand at the TVe throwing machine. A food truck will cater for your physical well-being. Enjoy pizza and cool drinks.

No, registration is not necessary. Just drop by when it suits you.

As some of the participating companies are far apart, a shuttle bus will be organised. This gives you the option of travelling longer distances by bus.

As with many other participating companies, markilux will also offer a small catering service. There will be a pizza trolley and cold drinks.

No, participation in the Makers' Day is of course free of charge. There is only a charge for the food on offer.

All important information about the Open Business Day is summarised on the website of the city of Emsdetten. Here you will also find an overview of which companies are taking part.