Press release 14.05.2024

Splash out with some colour

Store déployé mx 930 avec toile de store orange sur une avancée de toit d'une maison nordique en bois.


Splash out with some colour

Giving awning covers a touch of summer freshness

The world around us seems to have been lacking colour for some time now. Wherever you look, nothing but a range of greys and creams. This trend is dominating the awning world, too. And yet awnings have so much more potential, and in terms of colour could even compete with the flower beds.

Beige and grey or anthracite are the stars of the residential world because when it comes to furnishing, people are looking for simple, neutral styles and colours even though it is customary to give everything we surround ourselves with a personal touch. Awning covers are one example. They are actually ideally suited to ringing in the summer in a blaze of colour over their surface area. But the widespread trend is to stick to non-colour tones. These quiet tones do make a lot of sense: they have a calming effect, can be combined with almost anything and are therefore low-maintenance in terms of style.

Choosing feel-good colours 

But in the garden and on the patio, where you can breathe in the scent of summer, you can afford to have a little more colour when it comes to sun protection. markilux recommends, for example, choosing light, delicate shades that are not colourless, neutral or grey, and not gaudy either. They bring a beautiful colourful light to balconies and patios, and can also be stylishly combined with outdoor furniture and a colourful floral design. But bright colours can also be the right choice if, for example, you are looking for darker shade. With the markilux “colour on demand” service, virtually any colour you desire is possible. To make the right choice, imagine the fabric on a large surface and think about which colour you feel most comfortable with. And if this is neither beige or grey, the new awning cover will make the world shine a little brighter. That might even please the neighbours. 1,896 characters


Today, awning covers tend to be quite neutral in colour. Beige, grey and anthracite are very much in fashion. But awnings have so much more potential to give the summer a bright, colourful look. markilux offers many simple designs along with summery fresh colours ranging from delicate to bright.

Reproduction is permitted provided the source is acknowledged: Photo: markilux.

Download press release and images
  • Store déployé mx 930 avec toile de store orange sur une avancée de toit d'une maison nordique en bois.
  • Store à bras articulés markilux 1710 au-dessus d'une terrasse au bord de la piscine avec toile de store jaune et lumière dans les bras articulés.
  • markilux 1600 avec toile de store verte et lambrequin déroulable verte. Cadre gris.
  • Détail de l'extension 5010 de droite avec toile de store rouge
  • Store à bras articulés markilux 6000 avec toile de store jaune et lambrequin déroulable. Vue sur le jardin depuis la terrasse.
  • Maison unifamiliale avec une large façade vitrée et un store vert mx 1600 étendu

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Eva Recker, employée de markilux

Contact presse Allemagne & International

Eva Recker

[email protected]