Press release 13.02.2024

New balcony favourite

Vista dall'interno su un balcone, dotato di una tenda da sole a pressione markilux 900.


New balcony favourite

Filigree wedge-in awning brings joie de vivre to an outdoor space

This new, smart folding-arm awning, the “markilux 900”, will give you a clearer view from your balcony – as it provides complete shade even when only slightly pitched, saves space, has a filigree design and can be installed and removed again by an expert in next to no time. And this means you can enjoy the summer to the full despite the heat.

Year on year, spring and summer temperatures are rising. Who wouldn’t want to sit on a balcony where, with a little luck, there is a slight breeze and plenty of shade? To ensure that’s even more fun, markilux now has a new, graceful wedge-in awning in its portfolio.

Fast and simple installation 

The special thing about the model: it is a top-quality folding-arm awning in an inconspicuous design. In no time, it can be fitted between balcony floor and ceiling by way of two adjustable wedge-in posts that require very few fixing points, and can be removed again just as quickly. It can also be attached even more securely, when fitted to floors higher up in the building. Moving house is a piece of cake with this awning. This makes the space-saving solar protection system attractive to both tenants and apartment owners. Its cover, which can be chosen from more than 200 modern patterns, disappears once retracted into a slim-line, easily cared for full cassette and is thus perfectly protected from both soiling and moisture.

Full shade with an unobstructed view 

To date, this shade provider is unique in its combination of wedge-in system, folding arms and housing. And the good thing is that, even when the balcony is completely shaded, the view outside remains unobstructed. Because to ensure this, the new model only has to be inclined a maximum five degrees. Otherwise customary drop-arm awnings, on the other hand, need a good 45 degrees. Together with their lateral drop arms, this certainly impedes the view. But for those who are looking for more privacy, a specialist dealer can adjust the pitch of the new awning to an angle of up to 70 degrees. The extended cover then acts as protection from prying eyes.

Attractive design and stable construction 

With its lightweight design, a width of up to four metres and a maximum fixture height of 265 centimetres, the “markilux 900” is suited to any balcony that can structurally take a wedge-in system. Alternatively, it can be attached to the underside of a balcony as a graceful variant of a classic awning. And the model is not just stylish but also very stable. Both the wedge-in posts, which feature adjustable, jointed feet to compensate for any unevenness in the floor, and the housing are powder-coated and thus resistant to the weather. Most screws and seals are invisible, and durable high-tech fibres extend and retract the awning quietly. It comes in three standard frame colours and can be operated by means of a winding handle but is also available in a convenient motor-driven version. 2,982 characters


markilux is now bringing joy to balconies with a smart wedge-in awning in a designer look. The “markilux 900” with its folding arms and full cassette is the first of its kind. It combines plenty of shade with an unobstructed view outside and is quick to install. And that’s music to the ears of any tenant or apartment owner.

with reference: photo: markilux. Photos of markilux please only publish with picture credit.

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  • Vista dettagliata della tenda da sole a cassonetto semiaperta markilux 900. La tenda da sole grigio pietra di colore metallico è fissata con colonne di serraggio tra il soffitto del balcone e il pavimento.
  • Vista dall'interno su un balcone, dotato di una tenda da sole a pressione markilux 900.
  • Vista laterale di un balcone dotato di una tenda da sole a pressione markilux 900.
  • Vista dettagliata del cassonetto completo di una markilux 900. La tenda da sole è montata su un balcone.
  • Vista dettagliata del cassonetto completo chiuso della tenda da sole markilux 900 a morsetto. La tenda da sole grigio pietra di colore metallico è fissata con colonne di serraggio tra il soffitto del balcone e il pavimento.
  • Condominio con balconi, dotati di tende da sole markilux 900 a pressione.

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Eva Recker, dipendente markilux

Contatto stampa Germania e Internazionale

Eva Recker

[email protected]