"Which awning fabric to buy?" - If you have already decided on a high-quality markilux awning, you will certainly deal actively with this question during the planning phase. Answering it is often not that easy, because the right color, the right surface structure and many other features should be selected carefully. After all, you don't buy a high-quality markilux awning for one season.
Det smukkeste stof
When extended - and also when closed in the case of open awnings - the colour of the awning has a significant influence on the overall appearance of your solar protection. "Which awning fabric to choose?" is the question that arises in view of the large selection. In addition to our awning fabric finder, the following points will also help you answer this crucial question:
Depending on whether you want to buy a pergola awning in the garden, a freestanding awning by the pool, a balcony awning or a vertical awning, consider the visual characteristics of the surroundings. If you want your awning to blend discreetly into the landscape, choose the colour that dominates the location. As a rule, you can't go wrong with muted and classic colours such as anthracite, brown, green, beige and blue. If you deliberately want to make a colourful statement, opt for colourful awning fabrics in yellow, orange or red. If you would like other trendy colours for your awning, such as turquoise or pink, we will be happy to create these for you on request.
Consider the shade of the awning: when the sun is shining, the sun's rays reflect the colour of the awning fabric and bathe all objects under the awning in an atmospheric light. What colour do you want the shade of your awning to be? What is the colour that puts you in a good mood? And which colour matches the mood you want to create on your patio or balcony?
Although all markilux awning fabrics from the sunsilk and sunvas collections offer the highest possible UV-protection (UPF 50+), more or less light can shine through the awning depending on the brightness of the chosen colour for the cover. This effect is beautifully accentuated by light and dark striped awning covers.
You can also perfectly complement the colour concept that determines the interior design of your home with the matching awning colour outside. In this way, your "outdoor living room" reflects the cosiness of your interior spaces and forms a visual unit with them.
If you would like a specific colour for your awning, we can optionally produce your awning cover in RAL as part of our colour-on-demand service. Here you can choose from a selection of 1,625 colours.
You may already have a concrete idea of what colour and pattern your awning cover should have - but do you already know which textured effects are possible? If you would like to find out more about the different markilux fabric collections and their advantages, visit our awning fabric page. There you will find even more information to make your awning purchase easier.
Hvordan dannes der knækfolder?
Knækfolder opstår, når markisedugen lægges op og foldes. En mørk linje kan være synlig i det foldede område, når det ses mod lyset, især med lyse farver, hvilket skyldes foldning af fibrene (lysbrydning).
Bølgning i søm- og baneområdet
Disse kan forekomme langs sidesømmene, i området omkring sømmene og i midten af panelerne. Duggen er fordoblet ved sømmene. Det resulterer i forskellige oprullingsdiametre. Den spænding, der skabes af knækarmene, spændesystemet, viklingsakslens hældning og/eller udfaldsprofilen kan fremme disse effekter. Der kan også opstå bølgning, hvis der er dannet en "vannlomme" under kraftig regn.
Hvor regnbestandig er min markisedug?
Solbeskyttende tekstiler er imprægneret med en vandafvisende finish og forbliver regnbestandige under et kort, let regnfald, når de bruges i henhold til producentens anvisninger og i en hældningsvinkel på mindst 14°. I længere perioder med fugt og/eller kraftig regn skal markisen forblive lukket eller køres ind for at undgå skader. Når dugen er blevet våd, skal markisen køres ud igen for at tørre umiddelbart efter regnen for at undgå skimmelpletter.
Hvad er sidesømme?
Duggen er normalt beslaglagt i en fiber med et aktivt fjedersystem. Selv om sømme og sømme fungerer som en forstærkning, skal de også kunne modstå de største belastninger. Når dugen rulles op, ligger sømmene oven på hinanden, hvilket øger trykket og spændingen endnu mere. Derfor bliver de særligt belastede og strakte. Det kan få sidesømmene til at hænge lidt, når markisen er kørt ud.
Hvordan plejer jeg min markisedug korrekt?
Støv kan fjernes med en blød børste, når det er tørt. Blade og lignende snavs skal fjernes med det samme. Små pletter fjernes med vand og et kommercielt tilgængeligt, helst flydende, mildt rengøringsmiddel (5 procent sæbeopløsning, vandtemperatur maks. 30 °C). Skyl grundigt med vand. Detaljerede instruktioner med alle vigtige oplysninger om betjening, pleje og vedligeholdelse følger med hver markiseleverance. Klik her for at få flere oplysninger om rengøring af markiser.
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